Fractal-Force Trade Method

The Fractal-Force method has been developed exclusively by Three Ten Trading:  It incorporates proprietary tools and combines them with the tenets of Livermore, Wyckoff & Loeb, to form a technically intuitive method of analyzing and trading the markets.


Fractal-Force is a method, not a system.  


For example, a 'system' such as a quant program is algorithmic in nature and by definition does not lend itself to intuition.


How does one put algorithmic weight on the fact market turns occur just before, during, or just after a holiday week (which is detailed at this link).  When does one know that during any particular market situation, such a tendency should be disregarded?


Instead of antiseptic quant formulas, Fractal-Force works to intuitively identify high probability areas.  These price action anomalies continue to appear throughout market history.  Livermore and Wyckoff called this type of anomaly the ‘danger point’


Prior to, and during a market's entry to a danger point, we evaluate the pressures at work ... the forces acting on price.  At that point, a decision is made to trade or stand aside.  


If a trade is entered, we implement a proprietary technique called 'fractal stop'; taking advantage of the inherent nature of the market itself.  Thus we have "fractal" and "force".


As stated by Gerald M. Loeb, former Vice Chairman of E. F. Hutton, the objective of a superior trading/investment system is to minimize time in the market.


His admonition is the exact opposite of what is promulgated by the financial media and money mangers alike.


  • Money is not at work in the market; money is at risk in the market:  Minimize time spent in the shark tank.

More detail on this method, including trade examples can be found in the password protected area of this site at Fractal-Force.